Legal information

Legal information

You are currently connected to the site which is published by the company Lorella.


Director of the publication: Lorella De Guevara

Lorella De Guevara informs that any possible dispute relating to the present legal notice or to the use of the Site, will be brought before the Commercial Court of Créteil.

Design and production of the site


Hébergeur :
SARL Kapsicum Conseil Web et Design
Siret 482 107 638 00025
APE 7022Z RCS Pau 482 107 638
Tél : 05 59 83 09 21

Personal data

In accordance with article 16 of the law of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (art. 34 of the law "Informatique et Libertés")

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small computer file stored on your computer's hard drive. It gathers several data sent to your browser by a website. It cannot damage the data on your computer and you can deactivate this function without affecting your browsing.

These cookies allow us to identify your computer and thus give you the possibility of quickly accessing the information that you wish to consult in priority and on our side to evaluate the interest of the various sections of the Site by the Internet users. None of your personal data are communicated to third parties, except with your express authorization. However, Lorella De Guevara may bring together the personal information collected, after having made it anonymous, for statistical studies. 

Intellectual and industrial property rights attached to the site

The content of the site in its entirety is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Any copy, reproduction, representation, adaptation, distribution, in whole or in part, of the content of the Lorella De Guevara website, by any process whatsoever, is illegal with the exception of a single copy, on a single computer and reserved for the exclusive private use of the copier. The elements presented in this site are subject to change without notice and are made available without any guarantee of any kind, express or implied, and may not give rise to any right to compensation. The logos are registered trademarks of Lorella De Guevara, its partners or the operator of the ticket office or one of its partners. Any use of any of these brands, on any medium whatsoever, for any reason whatsoever and in any form whatsoever, cannot be made without the prior, express and written consent of Lorella De Guevara, under penalty of infringement. The User is not allowed to place on his own website a hypertext link pointing to the Site and/or to the pages it contains, except with the express and written consent of Lorella De Guevara.

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