
Lorella De Guevara

I am Lorella De Guevara, born Di Cicco. I was born in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, into an Italian immigrant family. As a child, I was petite, farmland stunted as if I was made to fight my way through life.
Even though self-assertion is not the prerogative of one gender, being born a woman is, without a doubt, an additional difficulty. My whole life, I have pursued the freedom to live as I want and to fulfill myself. I earned that freedom day after day through struggle and disobedience without ever accepting the established order.
As long as I can remember Art in all its forms has played a structuring role in my growth as an artist and as a woman.
At first, it helped me communicate with my classmates. Dance and drawing were my first means of expression, my first steps into the artistic field.
My passion for every thing having to do with Art shaped my career choice.

After attending the « Cours Simon » and the « Creuset de la danse » in Paris, I became an actress.
This acting career gave me the opportunity to make a living doing what I was passionate about. It also helped me develop an eye for composition, which is central in my painting.
Painting, is an escape as well as an opportunity to share my emotions.
Self-taught, it is thanks to my many years of work, research and observation, while attending various workshops, that I acquired a greater technique allowing me to explore a wide variety of themes such as childhood, the dream, the memory, the abandonment, the relationship to the body, the origins and more generally the place and the role of Man in what surrounds us.

Then, illness made painting an absolute necessity and helped me heal. It rapidly became essential.

Finally, this quest has been recognized at the Salon Eugène Delacroix of Saint Maurice where I won the Prix du public (prize awarded by the public). Far from a culmination, this first recognition represented a first milestone in my journey and showed me how long and winding the path is. A few years later I won another prize in Italy, my homeland, which was particularly meaningful to me.

Exhibitions and awards

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